EiTESAL in Partnership with GSMA Invites You to the Event: Mobile Future for the Benefit of Billions
GSMA, established in 1995, is a global organization unifying and representing more than 1000 mobile operators and organizations across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries. In cooperation with the Egyptian industry, GSMA will host its first event in Egypt on Wednesday, 4th December 2024.
This regional event will focus on accelerating the development of mobile markets, with a special emphasis on spectrum management. It will feature keynotes and panel discussions by industry leaders representing governments, operators, vendors, and academia from across the Middle East and Africa.
Eng. Shahir Boshra, our Secretary General, will deliver the opening speech of EiTESAL at the 'Mobile Future for the Benefit of Millions' event!
Event Details:
The Event aims to discuss various aspects of spectrum management with a distinguished audience comprising Ministers, Heads of National Regulatory Authorities, Heads of Spectrum, their teams, and mobile industry stakeholders from the MENA region and parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us at marketing@eitesal.org, using "GSMA Event" as the subject line.
We hope to see you as we collaborate towards a "Mobile Future for the Benefit of Billions."