Course Description
Course Duration: 27, 28 Jan
Course fees as per EiTESAL fund policy |
Company Category | Fund % | Course Fees |
Large "A" | 40% | EGP 3000 |
Medium "B" | 50% | EGP 2500 |
Small "C" | 60% | EGP 2000 |
Ultra Small "D" | 70% | EGP 1500 |
Non-member | | EGP 5000 |
Course Overview: The purpose of this course is to deepen customer relationships and increase customer loyalty for greater profitability. Organizations and companies will be able to capitalize on the benefits of identifying and exploiting new channels to satisfy the customer.
Course Objectives:The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) training course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to manage customer interactions, optimize customer experience, and drive business growth using CRM tools and strategies.
- Understanding CRM Fundamentals
- Enhancing Customer Engagement and Retention
- Improving Sales and Marketing Alignment
- Data-Driven Decision Making
- Enhancing Customer Support and Service
- Customizing CRM for Business Needs
- Fostering Organizational Collaboration
- Building CRM Strategy and Implementation Plans